교육과정 및 교과목 해설서
학년도 2019 학기 1학기
이수구분 1전선 학수번호 1전선
교과목명 기후와환경
교과목명(영문) Climate and Environment
교과목해설 본 교과목은 지표에 나타난 다양한 자연 및 인문환경에 영향을 미치는 기후 및 기상 주제를 다룬다.
교과목해설(영문) This course deals with the impacts of climate and Earth’s atmosphere on the diversity of natural and anthropogenic environments. It aims at the enhancement of understanding on the science of atmosphere associated with atmospheric composition and structure, precipitation, atmospheric movement and wind, meteorological system and so on. In addition, the course helps students better understand the possible relation between weather system and various environmental aspects and the effects of anthropogenic climate change on environmental change.