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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

하명정 사진
  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : 송백관 (E216)
  • 연락처 : 041-550-5153
  • 세부전공 : 응용언어학
  • 박사, University of Texas at Austin Foreign Language Education (세부전공 : 멀티미디어 언어교육, 영작문), 200908
  • 석사, 서울대학교 외국어교육과, 200502
  • 학사, 서울대학교 지리학과, 199502
  • 조교수 , 청주대학교, (2011.03~2012.02)
  • 계약제강사, 인하대학교, (2010.08~2011.02)
  • Korean students’ perceptions of foreign professors’ English medium instruction (EMI) courses, Asia Life Sciences, 201812
  • 대학수업에서의 모바일 기반 혼합학습 적용, 예술인문사회 융합 멀티미디어 논문지, 201809
  • 공학학술영어에 대한 코퍼스 분석석, 예술인문사회 융합 멀티미디어 논문지, 201808
  • L1 and L2 Glosses: Their Effects on Korean EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension, 언어학 연구, 201607
  • Linking adverbials in first-year Korean university EFL learners' writing: a corpus-informed analysis, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 201508
  • A Corpus-Based Study on Korean EFL Learners’ Use of English Logical Connectors, International Journal of Contents, 201412
  • 코퍼스에 기반한 문학텍스트 분석, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지, 201309
  • A Corpus-Based Approach to Citation Use in English for Academic Purposes, 현대영어교육, 201205
  • EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate in the EMI College Classes, 응용언어학, 201112
  • Teachers as CALL Learners: Perceptual Shifts on Technology in a CALL Class, Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, 201104
  • Working with Intertextuality: : Does it Matter to the Teaching of English Writing?, 응용언어학, 201103
  • Remapping Discourse Socialization: Becoming a Member in an Online Community of Practice, 멀티미디어 언어교육, 201012
  • The Construction of Author Voice in a Second Language in Electronic Discourse, 영어교육, 201012
  • Tracing L2 Academic Voice in Bakhtinian Sense: A Case Study of a Nonnative Graduate Student, 사회언어학, 201012
  • Thinking Dialogically: Co-construction of Subject Positions in Computer-mediated Discussions, Foreign Languages Education, 201006
  • 영어 수업지도안 작성의 이론과 실제, 한국문화사, 20140130
  • 스마트폰을 활용한 협동학습 연구, 한국문화융합학회, 20181201
  • 대학문화수업에서의 스마트 교실 구현, 인문사회과학기술융합학회, 20181027
  • Understanding College Students' Needs towards English-Medium Classes, 인문사회과학기술융합학회, 20180819
  • Rethinking Wiki Technology to Support Students' Interactive Learning, 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회, 20170917
  • Developing Wiki-Mediated Community of Practice: A Situated Learning Perspective, 한국응용언어학회, 20170909
  • 웹2.0에 기반한 플립러닝을 적용한 영어작문수업 사례연구, 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회, 20161008
  • Patterns of Interaction in Wiki-Based Collaborative Writing, 한국응용언어학회와 GETA, 20160910
  • Enacting task designs in intercultural telecollaboration, KAMALL APaCALL PacCALL, 20151113
  • Rethinking telecollaboration in the Korean EFL context, University of Antwerp, 20150707
  • Connector usage in interlanguage texts: a corpus-based enquiry, APACALL and PacCALL, 20141011
  • Connectives in Korean EFL learners' writing: Preliminary results, 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회, 20140920
  • 특별공로상, 민사법의 이론과실무학회, 201812
  • 최우수 논문상, 인문사회과학기술융합학회, 201808
  • 2017 Albert Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award, Marquis Whos Who, 201712
  • 2017 춘계종합학술대회 우수 논문상, 한국콘텐츠학회, 201705
  • 교원평가 우수 표창장, 상명대학교, 201502
  • 우수 논문상, 한국콘텐츠 학회, 2014107