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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : (S관)중앙교수회관 (S213)
  • 세부전공 : 편미분방정식
  • 박사, 성균관대학교 수학과 (세부전공 : 편미분방정식), 201908
  • 학사, 상명대학교 수학교육과, 201402
  • 조교수, 상명대학교, (2022.09~ )
  • 박사후연구원, 연세대학교, (2022.04~2022.08)
  • 박사후연구원, 성균관대학교, (2019.09~2022.03)
  • Relativistic BGK model for gas mixtures, Journal of Statistical Physics, 202405
  • Determination of equilibrium parameters of the Marle model for polyatomic gases, Applied Mathematics Letters, 202402
  • From BGK-alignment model to the pressured Euler-alignment system with singular communication weights, Journal of Differential Equations, 202401
  • Global existence of weak solutions to a BGK model relaxing to the barotropic Euler equations, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory, Methods & Applications, 202401
  • On a relativistic BGK model for polyatomic gases near equilibrium, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 202205
  • Global existence of bounded solutions to the relativistic BGK model, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 202202
  • On the derivation of the Landau-Lifshitz frame in relativistic kinetic theory, Fluid Dynamics Research, 202201
  • Relativistic BGK model for massless particles in the FLRW spacetime, Kinetic and Related Models, 202112
  • Stationary solutions to the Anderson-Witting model of the relativistic Boltzmann equation in a bounded interval, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 202101
  • Stationary solutions to the boundary value problem for the relativistic BGK model in a slab, Kinetic and Related Models, 201908
  • Ellipsoidal BGK model near a global Maxwellian in the whole space, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 201907
  • Anderson-Witting model of the relativistic Boltzmann equation near equilibrium, Journal of Statistical Physics, 201906
  • Existence of an unbounded branch of the set of solutions for Neumann problems involving the p(x)-Laplacian, Boundary Value Problems, 201405