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제 9 호 Welcome to Sangmyung University In The 21st Grade

  • 작성일 2021-03-03
  • 좋아요 Like 3
  • 조회수 16401


Welcome to Sangmyung University 

In The 21st Grade

Introduction of Sangmyung University and Recommendation of Beneficial Lectures for The New Semester

by Yoo-Jung Kim, Editor-In-Chief


  A year after the start of Corona, Sangmyung University is now preparing to welcome new freshmen. For the past year, students who entered in 2020 failed to come to school and took non-face-to-face classes. In addition, new students in 2021 may or may not come to school. Freshmen are more curious about school and think there will be many questions. In response, I will briefly introduce information that would help students at Sangmyung University and list useful lectures recommended by seniors for freshmen. I hope this article will help many new students.

How to Know the Location of Sangmyung University Building

  Some of the freshmen may have visited our school for interviews. However, it is expected that there will be friends who have not been there due to various reasons such as the Corona situation and distance. In this situation, I will introduce a way to see our school indirectly and know the location of each building in detail. 

Step. 1 Enter Sangmyung University's website.

Step. 2 Click on the Sangmyung introduction

Step. 3 Tap the campus guide next to it.

Step. 4 Click on the Campus VR tour.

Step. 5 Select and press Seoul or Cheonan Campus

  This feature gives you a complete view of the school and a vivid picture of each building. The overall aerial photography screen of Sangmyung University comes out and the names of each building come out together.

<Sangmyung University Seoul Campus Air Screen>

  If you press the name of the building you want to see, you can see inside the building. You can freely look around with the adjustment key. If you are a freshman, I recommend you check out the school on a VR tour.

<The VR Tour of Sangmyung University >

How to know information about other facilities and clubs of schools

  The information which most new students seem to be curious about are the clubs. I will tell you how to know the information about the clubs. I will tell you how to know the information about the clubs.

Step. 1 Enter Sangmyung University's website.

Step. 2 Press the university life button

Step. 3 Click Student Activity

Step. 4 Press the club information button.

  It contains information, fields and explanations of the central club where students from various departments work together. If you can't find a website about the club you want to join, it's a good idea to look it up on Instagram. I recommend you think about joining a club by referring to this information.

I recommend you think about joining a club by referring to this information.

<Explanation of Sangmyung University Clubs>

  For other information about school facilities, press step 3 above and press the school life button under the club information. There is a description of the facilities for the convenience of students at Sangmyung University, including school cafes, post offices, bookstores, and a girls' lounge. If you are not sure when you visit the school for the first time, refer to this information. It's convenient because it says which floor is in which building.

<Description of Sangmyung University's other facilities>

Beneficial lectures recommended by seniors to juniors

  • ● Seoul-History and Theory of Contemporary Art

  This lecture was recommended by many seniors. To sum up the reasons of the seniors, it is useful to learn how to read the times and social trends through art works. There were many reviews that it was a meaningful lecture in the long run in that it could expand the spectrum of personal culture beyond simply knowing humanities and aesthetics. For example, suppose you see Andy Warhol's work. In the past, you would have thought that it was impressive and cool. After taking this class, students were able to think and analyze why Andy Warhol sticks to a particular work style and what it means. Not only do you learn theoretical parts through classes, but you can also experience going to art galleries and appreciating them together. Therefore, it is a lecture that combines theory and practice, so it can be useful and leave memories. It can be summarized as a lecture that helps with life that you can enjoy even if you are not interested in the field of art. Students who want to learn about new fields and are interested in history and art are recommended to take this class. 

  • ●Cheonan-The World about Science of Law

  It is said to be one of the most popular lectures at the Cheonan Campus. There are many reviews that it is useful to learn the legal knowledge needed in life. It is said that even students who do not major in law can listen. Rather than explaining the law unilaterally, it tells interesting stories and gives various examples. In particular, it is said that not only does your knowledge of the law increase, but it is also easy to understand when you see news articles. It is said that you can hear many different stories and build up knowledge, which widens your thoughts and broadens your view of the world. For example, it is possible to accumulate necessary knowledge in real life, such as laws that should be guaranteed when working part-time and precautions when signing real estate contracts. In fact, some students became interested in law after listening to the lecture and had experience searching for books about law. Many seniors say that even students who do not know the law can easily learn about the law. This lecture can be summarized as a lecture where you can learn about helpful laws in real life and acquire a variety of knowledge. I recommend this lecture to students who want to learn about the science of law easily and interestingly.

  • ●Seoul-An Understanding of Psychology

  Secondly, it's a lecture recommended by many seniors. The Professor doesn't explain the psychology theory in the book as it is, but she gives examples and tells related stories and explains them easily. Many students were impressed by the fact that she explained to the end what the students did not understand in the presentation project and answered even if they kept asking questions. You can learn theories about psychology and work on a project to design your own psychological experiments. This project has the advantage of being able to directly utilize psychology theory and think a lot about logical experimental design. It's a class where you realize what psychology really is. For example, when designing and presenting psychology experiments as part of a team project, the professor asks various logical questions to tell students about their weaknesses and strengths in their design. In this process, there were many evaluations that students could experience and learn about psychology in person. It can be summarized as a psychology lecture that you can learn and experience during the first semester. I recommend it to friends who want to learn about psychology or do a team project.

  • ●Cheonan-Current English

  Many say it is a lecture that easily explains the overall history of the United States. It was said that it helped improve English essay assignments or English skills by teaching about the terms and methods that are often used in American articles. For example, the professor brings in various articles or events that are happening every week. You can learn English grammar, expressions, and vocabulary by studying the current news stories in English. It can be summed up as a win-win lecture where you can build up your English skills and gain common sense. I recommend it to freshmen who want to know the events of modern society every week and study English.

  Sangmyung University has many facilities for students and is trying to give quality lectures. I hope you can take various liberal arts courses and become a student of Sangmyung University with various abilities that our school aims for. Congratulations on becoming a university student and do your best at school!

