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제 4 호 Global Warming, Now a Global Warning

  • 작성일 2019-12-06
  • 좋아요 Like 3
  • 조회수 14704


Global Warming, Now a Global Warning

Check-up on Climate Change Issues & SMU Waste Sorting/Recycling System

By Sarah Chae, Editor


  People throughout the world are calling for action to stop climate change. Young people are speaking out and climate change protests are taking place. Across Europe and beyond the U.S., these movements are happening in Korea too. Students are protesting by not going to school and are asking the country to deal with climate change. The SM Herald will go through recent global climate change trends, and is going to ask school members what we can do for climate change. Hang on and keep reading for:

1) Worldwide Climate Change Trends: News Clippings, Efforts

2) Asking School Members: Is the SMU Waste Sorting/Recycling System Okay?

1) Worldwide Climate Change Trends: News Clippings, Efforts

#1: Scientists & Countries Declare ‘Climate Emergency’

  Over 11,000 scientists from 153 countries have declared a climate emergency, and are warning that without action, untold human suffering is unavoidable. They said to society/corporations/governments that ‘acting as usual’ is not enough. Since this study – warning- was released in the journal BioScience, people have started to act. 

A girl participating in a September climiate change strike in Spain.

  Governments of more than 23 countries have declared a ‘Climate Emergency’. Young people have stepped out into the streets. Researchers of this study laid out six areas where “Humanity should take immediate steps” to slow down the impacts of the warming world. 

  Take a look at more details from the picture and article link below. 

More about the article at: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/scientists-declare-climate-emergency_n_5dc0a206e4b0bedb2d513df8

#2: Global Climate Strikes: Young Generations Shouting For A Future

  Before and after the U.N. Climate Action Summit, protests by the youth took place around the world. The young climate activist, Greta Thunberg, started the School Strikes for Climate from 2018. Through her, youth everywhere are speaking out and are calling for societies and governments to change. 

Greta Thunberg giving a speech at the U.N Climate Action Summit.

  About 500 teenagers participated in the September 27 demonstration in Korea for climate change. They expressed discontent and disappointment over Korea's fragmentary and temporary environmental measures and urged the government and corporations to take action.

  Take a look at more details from the article link below. 

Teenagers participating in the September 27 climiate change strike in Korea.
More about the article at: https://www.bbc.com/korean/news-49836981


  People follow the cafe's disposable cup policy and buy eco-friendly products even if they did not see the news clippings above. We are quite aware of this emergency and are working for it. In this situation, however, it is more important to make an effort to throw things away than to just buy them.

2) Asking School Members: Is the SMU Waste Sorting/Recycling System Okay?

  All will be affected by climate change, including work, lifestyles and survival. We know universities have the responsibility to be honest and prepare students for a changing future as educational institutions. However, the recent SMU school newspaper pointed out the lack of recycling bins in our school. Let’s check what our school members are doing for the environment, and how they think about the issue of recycling.

Student Survey Result - Student Efforts, Recycling Bins Usage, and Requests:

  Among the efforts students do to protect the environment, recycling and segregating were the highest (62.3%). More than 69.8% of the students said they thought there are not enough recycling bins, and 94.4% said they would be willing to do well in the separating trash/recycling if extra bins are installed.

  Take a look at more details from the graphs below. 

53 SMU students participated on this survey conducted on Oct. 27 - Nov. 16, 

Interview With SMU Janitor & Cleaners

Would it be better if school members recycle better? 

  •   When we put out the trash, the waste disposal company takes it away and moves it to their cars/facilities. But we still separate everything when we put out the trash, so it is good for us if the students recycle and separate their trash well. 

Is there anything you want from the students?

  •   It would be easier for us to work if students throw away their drinks properly after they finish them, but they just leave them in the classroom. We have to pick all of them up and try to take care of them, but there is a lot of water left in them. It would be good if students could fix that.

Interview With SMU Maintenance Teams

  Generally, the students and cleaners were positive about recycling. We interviewed both campus teams about these requests. Let’s look at the answers from the Cheonan/Seoul Campus Maintenance Team.

-The SM Herald Question/Request #1: Students are asking for more recycling bins. More specifically, they want recycling bins in the dormitories, more recycling bins overall, and trash cans for food waste and beverages. Is it possible for the school to install additional recycling bins and trash cans?

 -Cheonan Campus Answer #1:Before we go in, in the past, the Cheonan Campus has installed and operated recycling bins. School members were not cooperative though, and did not participate well. Therefore, two janitorial service workers were hired at the school waste disposal site. However, when we compared the costs between these two workers and a waste disposal company, the company’s costs were lower. For this reason, the waste disposal company is currently in charge of separating and disposing the school’s garbage. 

Like this, if the garbage is not fully separated, additional costs will occur because we will need to hire a waste disposal company. In spite of the need of additional costs/staff, if students take an active part and participate in recycling, we will consider ways to fulfill these through consulting related departments and more.

 -Seoul Campus Answer #1:Recycling bins are currently installed and operating already. As long as the space is not too small, they are installed together with the general trash can. Small space areas also have at least one general trash can and one recycling bin. Plastic, cans, and bottles, are not recycled well, and therefore are classified and disposed separately by the waste disposal company after being collected. If the students want to recycle for environmental protection, we will consult related departments and review this subject.

-The SM Herald Question/Request #2: Students are also asking for trainings and education about the environment and recycling. More specifically, they want environment-related education, recycling training, eco-friendly campaigns, and the attachment of warning statements that tell us to recycle and how to do it. Is it possible for the school to provide such education?

 -Cheonan Campus Answer #2We will consult related departments and consider how environment-related and recycling education can be held on/offine. We will also consider ways to do eco-friendly campaigns by consulting the Student Welfare Team.

 -Seoul Campus Answer #2:We will consult related departments like the Student Welfare Team and review about appropriate methods on how to hold eco-friendly campaigns and recycling education.

  Like this, the Seoul Campus Maintenance Team said they will consult related departments about both problems above to review appropriate methods for them. The Cheonan Campus Maintenance Team suggested that if school members take an active part in participating, it is possible to install more recycling bins or provide related education. In short, they may test installing recycling bins in certain spaces where students pass a lot, for educational purposes and conduct. Campaigns can be conducted simultaneously, too. Expanding these methods to the overall system though, will require budget, staffing, and more of the school member’s efforts.

  The climate is changing. Are we? Individuals are. The school showed hope for change through the interview answer above. On the other hand, are companies being stopped from wrapping their products in a piece of plastic, which is put in a plastic case in a paper box, which is wrapped again by some sort of waste again? Now, all we have to do is keep a watch on and call for schools, businesses and governments to change. We know that it is not a global warming anymore, it is a global warning.




